Source code for mfapy.mfapyio

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Name:
# Purpose:     I/O funtions for mfapy
# Author:      Fumio_Matsuda
# Created:     12/06/2018
# Copyright:   (c) Fumio_Matsuda 2018
# Licence:     MIT license

""" funtions for mfapy

This module includes functions to read model description files.

Following functions are available::


    >>> reactions, reversible, metabolites, target_fragments = mfapy.mfapyio.load_metabolic_model("Explanation_1_13CMFA_toymodel_model.txt", format = "text")

    * Support other file formats


import numpy as numpy
from . import mdv
from . import metabolicmodel
import re, csv

[docs]def load_metabolic_model_reactions(filename, format = "text", mode = "normal"): """Function to load metabolic reaction information from a text or CSV file with following format. Examples:: //Reactions v1 AcCoA + OAC --> Cit AcCoA + OAC --> Cit AB + CDEF --> FEDBAC (kegg:R00351) 0.0 300 v2 Cit --> AKG + CO2ex Cit --> AKG + CO2ex ABCDEF --> ABCDE + F (kegg:R00709) 0.0 300 v3 AKG --> Glu AKG --> Glu ABCDE --> ABCDE (kegg:R00243) 0.0 300 v4 AKG --> Suc + CO2ex AKG --> Suc + CO2ex ABCDE --> BCDE + A (kegg:R01197) 0.0 300 v5 Suc --> Fum Suc --> Fum ABCD --> ABCD (kegg:R02164) 0.0 300 v6 Fum --> OAC Fum --> OAC ABCD --> ABCD (kegg:R01082) 0.0 300 v7 OAC --> Fum OAC --> Fum ABCD --> ABCD (kegg:R01082) 0.0 300 v8 Asp --> OAC Asp --> OAC ABCD --> ABCD (kegg:R00355) 0.0 300 Args: filename (str) : metabolic model file name format (str) : "text" (defalut, tab deliminated) or "csv" mode (str) : "normal" (defalut) or "debug" (to show loaded metabolic file data). Returns: dict : Dictionary describing metabolite reactions Examples: >>> reactions = load_metabolic_model_reaction('filename.txt') >>> print reactions {'r4': {'atommap': 'AB+CDEF-->FEDBAC', 'reaction': 'ACCOA+OAA-->ICI', 'use': 'use', 'lb': 0.1, 'flux_value': 0.0, 'reversible': 'no', 'flux_var': 1.0, 'type': 'free', 'order': 3, 'ub': 300.0},...} """ # # Distionary for reaction data # reactions = {} # # Conter to keep reaction order # counter = 0 # # Ititialize status # status = "start" with open(filename, 'r') as f: if format == "text": reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter='\t') elif format == "csv": reader = csv.reader(f, dialect='excel') else: print("Unknown format!") f.close() return False for i, row in enumerate(reader): if len(row) == 0: continue if "#" == row[0][0]: continue row = [item for item in row if "#" not in item] if len(row) < 1: continue if "//" in row[0]: rid = row[0].replace(" ", "") if rid == "//Reactions": status = "Reactions" continue if rid == "//End": break status = "other" # Remove '' from row row = list(filter(lambda s:s != '', row)) if status == "Reactions": if mode == "debug": print(row) if len(row) < 6: print("This row was ignored due to small number of data. Please check column separation:", row) continue rid = row[0].replace(" ", "") stoichiometry = row[1].replace(" ", "") reaction = row[2].replace(" ", "") atommap = row[3].replace(" ", "") exid = row[4] if rid == "": print("This row was ignored due to no id:", row) continue if stoichiometry == "": print("This row was ignored due to no stoichiometry data:", row) continue if reaction == "": print("This row was ignored due to no reaction data:", row) continue if atommap == "": print("This row was ignored due to no atommap data:", row) continue reactions[rid] = { 'stoichiometry': stoichiometry, 'reaction':reaction, 'atommap':atommap, 'externalids' :exid, 'order':int(counter) } if len(row) >= 6: reactions[rid]['lb'] = float(row[5].replace(" ", "")) reactions[rid]['ub'] = float(row[6].replace(" ", "")) counter = counter + 1 return(reactions)
[docs]def load_metabolic_model_metabolites(filename, format = "text", mode = "normal"): """Function to load Metabolite information from a file with following format. Examples:: //Metabolites CO2ex 1 no no excreted (kegg:C00011) 0.0 300 AcCoA 2 no carbonsource no (kegg:C00024) 0.0 300 OAC 4 no no no (kegg:C00036) 0.0 300 Cit 6 no no no (kegg:C00158) 0.0 300 AKG 5 no no no (kegg:C00026) 0.0 300 Suc 4 symmetry no no (kegg:C00042) 0.0 300 Fum 4 symmetry no no (kegg:C00122) 0.0 300 Glu 5 no no no (kegg:C00025) 0.0 300 Asp 4 no carbonsource no (kegg:C00049) 0.0 300 Args: filename (str) : metabolic model file format (str) : "text" (defalut, tab deliminated) or "csv" mode (str) : "normal" (defalut) or "debug" (to show loaded metabolic file data) Returns: dict: Dictionary including metabolite information Examples: >>> metabolites = load_metabolic_model_metabolites('filename.txt') >>> print metabolites {'GLUEX': {'excreted': 'no', 'carbonsource': 'carbonsource', 'C_number': 5, 'symmetry': 'no', 'order': 4}, ...} """ metabolites = {} counter = 0 status = "start" with open(filename, 'r') as f: if format == "text": reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter='\t') elif format == "csv": reader = csv.reader(f, dialect='excel') else: print("Unknown format!") f.close() return False for i, row in enumerate(reader): if len(row) == 0: continue if "#" == row[0][0]: continue row = [item for item in row if "#" not in item] if len(row) < 1: continue if "//" in row[0]: if row[0] == "//Metabolites": status = "Metabolites" continue if row[0] == "//End": break status = "other" # Remove '' from row row = list(filter(lambda s:s != '', row)) # if status == "Metabolites": if mode == "debug": print(row) if len(row) < 5: print("This row was ignored due to small number of data. Please check column separation:", row) continue name = row[0].replace(" ", "") C_number = row[1] symmetry = row[2].replace(" ", "") carbonsource = row[3].replace(" ", "") excreted = row[4].replace(" ", "") if name == "": print("This row was ignored due to no id:", row) continue if C_number == "": print("This row was ignored due to no C_number:", row) continue if symmetry == "": print("This row was ignored due to no symmetry:", row) continue if carbonsource == "": print("This row was ignored due to no carbonsource:", row) continue if excreted == "": print("This row was ignored due to no excreted:", row) continue metabolites[name] = { 'C_number' :int(C_number), 'symmetry':symmetry, 'carbonsource':carbonsource, 'excreted':excreted, 'order' :int(counter), 'externalids' :"no external id", } if len(row) >= 6: metabolites[name]['externalids'] = row[5] if len(row) >= 7: metabolites[name]['lb'] = float(row[6].replace(" ", "")) metabolites[name]['ub'] = float(row[7].replace(" ", "")) counter = counter + 1 counter = counter + 1 return(metabolites)
[docs]def load_metabolic_model_reversibles(filename, format = "text", mode = "normal"): """Function to load definitions of reversible reactions from a metabolic model file with following format. Examples:: //Reversible_reactions FUM v6 v7 (kegg:R01082) 0.0 300 Args: filename (str) : metabolic model file format (str) : "text" (defalut, tab deliminated) or "csv" mode (str) : "normal" (defalut) or "debug" (to show loaded metabolic file data) Returns: dict : Dictionary for defining reversible reactions Examples: >>> reversible = load_metabolic_model_reversibles('filename.txt') >>> print reversible {'MDH': {'flux_value': 0.0, 'reverse': 'r27', 'flux_var': 1.0, 'forward': 'r26', 'type': 'free', 'order': 6}, ...} """ dic = {} counter = 0 status = "start" with open(filename, 'r') as f: if format == "text": reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter='\t') elif format == "csv": reader = csv.reader(f, dialect='excel') else: print("Unknown format!") f.close() return False for i, row in enumerate(reader): if len(row) == 0: continue if "#" == row[0][0]: continue row = [item for item in row if "#" not in item] if len(row) < 1: continue if "//" in row[0]: if row[0] == "//Reversible_reactions": status = "Reversible_reactions" continue if row[0] == "//End": break status = "other" # Remove '' from row row = list(filter(lambda s:s != '', row)) if status == "Reversible_reactions": if mode == "debug": print(row) if len(row) < 3: print("This row was ignored due to small number of data. Please check column separation:", row) continue name = row[0].replace(" ", "") forward = row[1].replace(" ", "") reverse = row[2].replace(" ", "") if name == "": print("This row was ignored due to no id:", row) continue if forward == "": print("This row was ignored due to no forward ids:", row) continue if reverse == "": print("This row was ignored due to no reverse ids:", row) continue dic[name] = { 'forward':forward, 'reverse':reverse, 'type': "free", 'order' :int(counter), 'externalids' :"no external id", } if len(row) >= 4: dic[name]['externalids'] = row[3] if len(row) >= 5: dic[name]['lb'] = float(row[4].replace(" ", "")) dic[name]['ub'] = float(row[5].replace(" ", "")) counter = counter + 1 return(dic)
[docs]def load_metabolic_model_fragments(filename, format = "text", mode = "normal"): """Function to load mass fragment information from a metabolic model file with following format. Examples:: //Target_fragments Glue gcms Glu_1:2:3:4:5 use C5H10N2O3 Gluee gcms Glu_1:2:3+Glu_4:5 use C5H10N2O3 Args: filename (str) : metabolic model file format (str) : "text" (defalut, tab deliminated) or "csv" mode (str) : "normal" (defalut) or "debug" (to show loaded metabolic file data) Returns: dict : Dictionary of target_fragments Examples: >>> target_fragments = load_metabolic_model_fragments('filename.txt') >>> print target_fragments {'Thr302': {'atommap': 'Thr_12', 'use': 'no', 'type': 'gcms', 'order': 35, 'number': 3}, ...} """ dic = {} counter = 0 status = "start" with open(filename, 'r') as f: if format == "text": reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter='\t') elif format == "csv": reader = csv.reader(f, dialect='excel') else: print("Unknown format!") f.close() return False for i, row in enumerate(reader): if len(row) == 0: continue if "#" == row[0][0]: continue row = [item for item in row if "#" not in item] if len(row) < 1: continue if "//" in row[0]: if row[0] == "//Target_fragments": status = "Target_fragments" continue if row[0] == "//End": break status = "other" row = list(filter(lambda s:s != '', row)) if status == "Target_fragments": if mode == "debug": print(row) if len(row) < 4: print("This row was ignored due to small number of data. Please check column separation:", row) continue formula = "" name = row[0].replace(" ", "") mtype = row[1].replace(" ", "") atommap = row[2].replace(" ", "") use = row[3].replace(" ", "") if len(row) >= 5: formula = row[4].replace(" ", "") if name == "": print("This row was ignored due to no id:", row) continue if mtype == "": print("This row was ignored due to no detection method data:", row) continue if atommap == "": print("This row was ignored due to no atommap data:", row) continue dic[name] = { 'type':mtype, 'atommap':atommap, 'use':use, 'order' :int(counter), 'formula':formula } counter = counter + 1 return(dic)
[docs]def load_metabolic_model(filename, format = "text",mode = "normal"): """Function to load metabolic model information from a text file CAUTION: Now this function has no error checking. Args: filename (str) : metabolic model file format (str) : "text" (defalut, tab deliminated) or "csv" mode (str) : "normal" (defalut) or "debug" (to show loaded metabolic file data) Returns: * reactions (dict), Dictionary describing metabolite reactions * reversible (dict), Dictionary for defining reversible reactions * metabolites (dict), Dictionary including metabolite information * target_fragments (dict), Dictionary of target_fragments Examples: >>> reactions, reversible, metabolites, target_fragments = load_metabolic_model("filename.txt') # The obtaind data (dictionaries) are directly used for generation of new Metabolic Model object >>> model = MetabolicModel(reactions, reversible, metabolites, target_fragments) """ reactions = load_metabolic_model_reactions(filename, format=format, mode = mode) metabolites = load_metabolic_model_metabolites(filename, format=format, mode = mode) reversible_reactions = load_metabolic_model_reversibles(filename, format=format , mode = mode) target_fragments = load_metabolic_model_fragments(filename, format=format, mode = mode) return(reactions, reversible_reactions, metabolites, target_fragments)